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Our Activities

SPOAR works for protection and conservation of wildlife and wild habitats. Since 2014, we work with local direct and indirect stakeholders for ensuring long term impact of our initiatives and also to strengthen the age old tradition of human-wildlife coexistence in this land.

Skill Development Workshop for Foresters

SPOAR is dedicated to empowering foresters as guardians of our vital ecosystems. Through a series of ongoing Skill Development Workshops, we equip them with the latest knowledge and techniques for effective forest management and wildlife conservation.

Foresters are on the front lines of protecting our forests. These workshops provide them with essential skills in key areas.

By equipping foresters with the necessary skills, SPOAR is investing in a future where both forests and wildlife can flourish. These workshops empower participants to become even more effective stewards of our natural environment.

Building Future Conservationists 

At SPOAR, we believe the future of wildlife conservation lies with passionate and empowered individuals. That's why we're proud of our initiative, SPOAR: Building Future Conservationists!

This program is designed to ignite a passion for the natural world in young minds, fostering the knowledge and skills they need to become tomorrow's environmental stewards.

Building Future Conservationists is more than just an educational program. It's an investment in a future where young people are equipped with the knowledge and passion to protect our planet's incredible biodiversity.

On the Way of Co-existence


Shoot by Lens; Not Gun

We have conducted International Photography Competition & Seat-and-draw- competition. In the realm of wildlife conservation and photography, conducting photography competitions and seat-and-draw contests can serve as powerful tools to raise awareness and appreciation for the natural world. By engaging participants in capturing the beauty and diversity of wildlife through their lenses, these competitions not only offer a platform for showcasing artistic talent but also encourage a deeper understanding of the importance of preserving our natural habitats. 

Delegated India in Tri-National meet

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Rescue & Rehabilitation

At SPOAR, we are committed to the urgent and compassionate care of wildlife in need. Every day, our team of experts and volunteers work tirelessly to rescue injured, orphaned, or displaced animals from various habitats. Through meticulous rehabilitation efforts, we aim to restore their health and prepare them for eventual release back into their natural homes. Our mission extends beyond rescue to encompass public education and advocacy for wildlife conservation. Our ultimate goal is to see these animals return to their natural habitats, thriving and contributing to a healthy ecosystem.

Lataguri Tree Felling

We made it possible to earn a stay order from Hon’ble High Court, Kolkata & thereafter from National Green Tribunal, Eastern Branch  against contradictory tree felling at Lataguri (Gorumara National Park), still the matter is under the legal jurisdiction of National Green Tribunal, Eastern Branch .






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Living with Snakes

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Snake Identification & Snake Bite Management

We have organized numerous Snake Identification & Snake Bite Management programs, empowering residents with the knowledge to confidently coexist with these fascinating creatures. These programs delve into identifying local snake species, both venomous and non-venomous, while equipping participants with crucial skills for preventing bites and responding effectively in case of an encounter. SPOAR's dedication to snake awareness fosters respect for these vital parts of our ecosystem and promotes responsible human-wildlife interaction.


For the past decade, We have been a leader in local reforestation efforts, actively planting saplings to rejuvenate our environment. Through dedicated tree-planting initiatives, we've strived to increase forest cover, promote biodiversity, and combat climate change. Our commitment extends beyond planting – we ensure proper sapling care and monitor their growth, fostering a thriving green legacy for future generations.

Roadkill mitigation

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